I intended to just write a post about my game with Matt on Bank Holiday Monday, but then I started writing about other stuff somehow. Apologies for getting a bit carried away...
So if you just want to read about the game rounds and not read my ramblings about other Infinity related stuff then just scroll down to the large 'Game play' title :)
Infinity online
One of the awesome things about infinity is the online community. Particularly on the facebook groups for UK Infinity and WGC Infinity, but also smaller club or faction based groups. It is completely fine for people to post questions about specific scenarios where there are rules queries and lots of people will reply with their experiences, opinions and relevant rules quotes which may have been missed.
A good example of this lately was a discussion on intent (turns out lots of people had different definitions of what intent actually is, which was causing most of the confusion - See great article here from Lead Rising for a summary of that).
Casual 40+ comments within an hour... |
That pesky Tuareg causing mischief again! |
The war cor, what a legend! |
Credit: Tommy Back |
Credit: Ian Wood of store.wargamingtrader.com |
So to other new players (or any players) I say GET ON THE FACEBOOK PAGES (UK here and WGC here) and engage with these people, it will enrich your gaming experience. Particularly new people - ask questions, make mistakes, join the fun!
The match - Emergency transmission
I first met Matt at the Hemel Hempstead Wargaming Club on the all day gaming event a few weeks ago. Matt and I had an awesome game which turned out to be a five hour marathon of awesome fun. So I went to Matt's studio at the bottom of his garden to play emergency transmission.
Matt won the roll off, chose deployment and got his nomads out.
Matt's board. |
I was a bit worried deploying first but spent some time placing things carefully and checking I hadn't done anything stupid.
Examples of my previous stupid deployment errors:
- Once I left my Jannisary standing up and Alex shot the bejeebuz out of it as he had first turn. He is religious and failed a million dodges.
- I played Pan O once and left too much standing up that wasn't strong enough and it all got gunned down turn one, unable to beat their superior BS, wounds and armour.
- The first time I used a remote I put it on a roof and had forgotten to put an engineer in my list so it got gunned down and that was that.
- Once, on the saddest occassion of them all, I didn't realise my lieutenant could be seen through a doorway from across the board even though he was prone, and he got gunned down straight away.
To the left, to the left, everything prone in that train to the left... Left side my deployment |
My deployment right side |
A bit of a pre-match pep talk from one of Matt's latest additions to the family. |
That Moran with her bloodthirsty pets... |
I decided that based on how I had deployed, I didn't fancy missiles being a thing, so went with putting the imp-1 marker a hair's width away from the back of the missile trooper prone on the roof. Matt was not best pleased.
Spot your army's good friend Bob. Nothing to see here... |
Game play
Round 1
Matt started his first turn fairly strongly moving up the board and around the objectives, dropping mines (sorry I mean 'camo markers'!) and moving koalas, using a snazzy new acrylic ruler to check ZoC etc. Is measuring equipment envy a thing? I also had this when Alex from Hemel had a flexi tape measure that could measure movement round corners. Anyway... He clearly would have liked to have had a go at some of my troopers but they were all well hidden thankfully. "WHERE ARE THEY ALL?!" He asked. I took off the train roof and showed him again. He took the objective closest to him in the train in his half and then set up next to the one on the right with a camo marker and 'camo marker' (mine). He didn't WIP it despite having been able to, so I assumed this was not a specialist but a defensive manouver.
As a mean guy started stomping across the board, I AROd with whoever he was bullying, plus my Tuareg sniper in hidden deployment to help with the odds of taking him down. Unfortunately this ended terribly for her, being double critted on 5s. Straight off the board.
The Tuareg was totally outclassed with a double crit. Sad times. |
In my first turn I had a lot of decisions to make. Lots of objectives to get, lots of board control from Matt already, particularly with his koalas, camo, and gecko in cover looking over lots of objectives. I had to super impetuous first with the bike. I had shunned her to the back of the board in deployment in anticipation of her insane tendency to go crashing into a blazing row the second she moves, so managed to stay out of trouble in her first 8 inches, just outside the ZoC of the first koala. She then chucked some smoke onto the objective on the right hand side of the board. Here is a proud moment from me, as it shows my long term planning has improved:
Firstly, I placed the smoke template so that it would block the LOF from the Moran to the right hand side objective, but also so it covered the objective enough where my engineer could now get through unseen. I made sure that the camo marker I thought was the one with the horrible MSV3 did not have LOF! No popping out and AROing for you my sneaky well sighted friend... The way the camo marker was behind the objective further away meant he couldn't see at once angle due to smoke and at the other due to the objective. Then, my engineer walked up to the objective, successful WIP roll and he was happy. The better part of that plan comes in later.
I left this for a minute as I needed to see how the orders went with the Fiday. I stayed prone and hummed to myself about stabbity stab stabbing and knifed the missile launcher girl in the back (sounds more lucky than it is, he is cc 21 and with martial arts level 3 I enjoyed a +3 to my roll and a -3 to hers.) The knife is shock so she was 'dead dead'.
Stabbity stab stab... |
My deployed prone djanbazan hmg on a roof stands up.
Whoa black betty, Djanbazan... HMG stands to fight |
I actually remembered to give my hmg reaction bot supportware using the hacker (In a previous game I forgot). Happy with the knowledge that he had an engineer linked nasmat hiding nearby I left him set up nicely for my reactive turn. I ummed and ahhed about what I was going to be doing about those koalas and thought they have to go. I had two options. Chain rifle bike nearby (my only source of smoke) or nasmat like 3 orders away. I thought sod it for the ten points and sent my poor WB off to a sticky end. Turned out she got hit by both Koalas and a mine which I drove her at as well, and then we noticed the Gecko would have had LOF as well which neither of us had noticed, so I got Matt to roll that as well for the funsies and story - she was dead, dead, dead, dead! But worth ten points to chuck smoke to secure an objective and get rid of two koalas and a mine.
I used a coordinated order to put 4 things onto supression and then that was the end of my turn.
Round 2
Based on the forward observing earlier, there were no prizes for me guessing one of Matt's objective cards! He used his Moran FO at the start of his second turn to FO the HVT again and nearly gave me a heart attack when he brandished the achieved card in the air. Sh**, was what I thought. In the back of my mind though, I knew they are only one point each and it was 4 points for more consoles than your oppoenent so I could turn it around like that (if I could manage it!). I felt worried though as we had one console each at this point and he was defending the others well, and he had an extra point. He then hacked the HVT. I knew what was coming. He was now a comfortable two points ahead at this stage and I was starting to feel a bit more nervous as I felt the win slipping away - he really did have those other objectives well defended!
He then did a series of annoying things including hacking my total reaction HMG and immobilising it, killing one of my engineers and putting his Moran, cocky after having what seemed like a million lives, on supression in the middle of the board. He made what I thought was a bit of a weird choice in moving his intruder around using the one order in that combat group and then using its lieutenant order (I was quite smug with myself for having guessed correctly from the start!) to do what I thought was hide behind a building round the corner from my Fiday. However, last minute he decided to leave him sticking out a tiny bit to see across the board and didn't have enough orders to recamo him from an attack erlier in the game. He then walked on a hellcat just behind my djanbazan hmg. At least I successully changed facing as he was in my ZoC. Even more annoyingly, he just left him there, pinning my djanbazan down ready for my active turn and aiming to give him an extra order in his next one.
So it was the start of my second turn and I didn't feel too bad - I had still got quite a lot of orders and although I was losing at this point, I had some ideas of how to sort it. First things first, eyes on the prize - "Who are your specialists on the board at the moment who aren't camo tokens?" I politely enquired. There were two. Sweet. If I could get rid of them, in his turn he wouldn't be able to secure any more and then I could try to swing the console count in my favour in my third turn. So I killed one specialist who was ready next to the left hand side objective, can't remember how. Pretty sure he dodged a couple of times successfully and then I finally killed him.
Tried to engineer my remote with a nasmat and failed :( I also needed to have a go at the lieutenant with the Fiday as was far too close to not try to make his last turn all restricted. I went into combat using the Fiday and rolled a... 1. He beat me with a BS attack face to face and the Fiday fell unconcious. ARGH!
The next big problem was the Moran FO on supression, as my best bet would have been the Djanbazan hmg, but he felt a bit uncomfortable moving on account of the boarding shotgun in his face. I could afford to sacrific a trooper if she died, but too many and I wouldn't have enough orders to finish her off, let alone as many orders as I'd have liked for my final turn to get objectives, so needed to proceed with caution. Options were either my lasiq sniper who was currently behind a box, but would probably get seen by the gecko if she tried it. On burst two against supression - three dice and -3, it didn't seem like too good an idea, although she did have cover and mimetism on her side. The other option was the jannisary with AP HMG in a similar situation but from the other side of the board. I thought this could be better due to 3 dice but would still be risky! I also had my eyes on that lieutenant hanging out...
In the end I went with the Janissary as I figured out I could go round the houses a bit and get LOF without being pelted with AROs. He hit once and she went down. Matt didn't seem pleased, but he didn't seem like a man who just lost the game. Something didn't sit right and it was then I realised that he could still have troopers waiting in the wings to walk on in his final turn...
I had one order left and figured out that to hit his lieutenant and not kill the Fiday I would have to roll 3s to hit him. Not happy about how my dice had been going lately I decided to pass. Can't remember what I used the last order on but remember thinking it was more sensible than the unlikely to work lieutenant roll. May have been a last ditch attempt to sort my remote out. Looking back, maybe I should have just given it a crack of the whip.
Round 3
Matt walked a specialist on. Rats. However, with most of my troopers still around, he walked across the board and my Lasiq sniper finally found a use for herself and took him down in ARO, thank goodness! At this point there wasn't much he could do except some other stuff to defend the objectives, mainly stomping his Gecko to the middle of the board and leaving him on suppression.
Then it was my turn. I re-evaluated the situation. The two objectives in Matt's half were too far to get to. The one on the right still had the camo marker and mine and also a couple of his troopers watching it carefully. Too much going on. The one on the box in my half was a no go unless I wanted an ARO party to happen. For anyone who tried to walk up there. So that just left the one on the left on the centre line. The only real threat was the HMG camo marker nearby(ish) and the gecko looking right at it from cover.
I realised I would never have enough orders or luck to beat the three structure points of the gecko. So I went for what I thought was my best chance and looked up what hacking I could do on Captain Spud's hacking page. Highly recommended by me, and also people way better than me, you filter by hacking device and target with all options then given clearly, plus you can bookmark/favourite the page and cache it for offline use. I saw that I could roll on a burst 2 to attempt to immobilise it. Obviously Matt had put the Gecko on supression so he would have 3 dice but it was either this, run a specialist straight past him and if he died opportunity lost forever, or take it on head on. The first of these ideas seemed like the best chance, so I ran my hacker behind boxes until I had the Gecko in his ZoC. Then I hacked. My guy tapped away furiously and did it! The Gecko was stuck to the spot unable to do anything useful for the Nomads now. I was happy not even because of the mission in hand being easier without the Gecko, but because, as I said to Matt excitedly, "This is a moment - I JUST HACKED SOMETHING!" I had never hacked anything before :)
Engineer successfully connected to the console, a mean feat as he only had WIP 14 +3 :P |
Antenna controlled :) |
Board at end game. Final score 8-2. |
I am tentatively going to my first tournament on the 14th May. It is far too early to think about winning games but I am hoping to have a laugh, sure I'll learn tonnes as always and it will be good a good experience to attend an event like this as I've never been to one before.
If you want to read posts by awesome people who win tournaments, check out these:
Pete from Straight Outta Caledonia went down to the Totally Crit open at the weekend on his own and came back the winner, see his post about his experience here
James Newman from Gribbley Gaming has won two and came third in the most recent Harlequins event in Preston (and is currently top of the international ITS ranking), check out his blog here.
Oh and Matt won that Just Play event in Liverpool recently too, but he doesn't write a blog. Yet!
Also, when Toby beat me a couple of weeks ago he wrote that up here.
So I am sure there will be a post from me soon all about how obliterated I got! I have just realised it will probably be the new book as well so I will have even less of a clue what I'm doing! Ah well.
Great insights and looks like you had a fantastic game
ReplyDeleteThanks, Infinity is always fun :)
DeleteGreat battle! dont forget to paint your miniatures will give you better luck! Congratz on the batrep :D
ReplyDeleteThanks, and yes I am painting today! First bit of free time I have had in ages :)
DeleteGood stuff I recently am returning into the fold of Infinity after leaving around 1st ed due to lack of local players. Only to find that apparently it's all the rage now a days and the player pool locally has grown substantially.
ReplyDeleteAs far as tournaments go, i say they are a great learning experience so you can meet more people to network with and more gaming clubs to increase your opponent pool. Best of luck!
Yeah, it does seem to be blowing up locally more and more people are interested nowadays which is great. Thanks :)
DeleteReally great battle report! I did my first one myself not long ago and it's more difficult than it looks. How did you capture all the details? Take notes as you played, create the entry right after the game so your memory was fresh or something else?
ReplyDeleteThanks, yeah I often wondered how people remembered what happened! I just took pics of the main occurrences and that helped to remind me of what happened. I jotted a couple of notes down the next morning which helped :)